Friday, October 22, 2004

People are only biased when they're against you...

Several months ago I saw a bumper sticker which read, "Mass Media Produces Ignorance." In this election year I find that to be more true than ever. This candidate says this, and the other candidate says that, and the media reports what it will.... I enjoyed watching the presidential debates, but I found it interesting that afterward, the commentary on what each person said took as long as the debate itself. Now, if I just watched each candidate for myself, why do I need someone else to tell me what they said and more than that, what they ment? (I must give NBC credit this time for including a small fact check segment after the last debate. It was totally unbiased and actually shed some truth on the candidates.)

Now perhaps it is just me, or the specific news clips I have happened to hear, but it seems to me that recently I hear much more of what Kerry blames Bush for not doing with a small rebuttal from Bush. However, the one time a certain media group shows a segment on the faults of Kerry, everyone jumps on them for being biased.

Here's a thought: why can't we be really unbiased and talk about the independant candidates as well. Could they perhaps be a part of the presidential debate? Does one really need to be a Democrat or a Republican to be president?

Let's not be mindless drones and let the media do our thinking for us. I'm not anti media. Journalism has an important place in society to inform. It's like a library of current events, but a library that should be totally nonfiction, without opionion. Opinion has a place as well, just not in the news...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Sandy, Thought this article would be an interesting addition to your thoughts on the debate...especially your comment about third-party candidates.

Speaking of which... I need to get my absentee ballot off today. D'oh.
