Sunday, August 19, 2007

Goodbye Old Friend

Usually people remember their first car with love. It was the car that made them independant, even if it wasn't very dependable. It shared a lot of growing up years and memories good and bad.

Although my Jimmy wasn't my first car, it was really the car that transitioned me into adulthood with all the memories that come. It was my Jimmy that took me back and forth to Oklahoma more times than I can count. It drove me crazy with its quirks and yet without them I wouldn't have met the man that is now my mate. My Jimmy carried tons of teaching materials, camping stuff, wedding presents, and Christmas trees. It threatened to die more often than not, yet it suffered the flattening of Frito Lay and still took me to school, student teaching, graduation, work, my wedding, my honeymoon, 4 homes, and all those places that come inbetween.

My Jimmy was my friend, and yet there comes a time when all friends must move on. Though it is sad, it is that time. Hopefully it will bring it's new college friend many hours of service and memories.

Goodbye old friend. I will never forget...


Katarain said...

How sad! Did it just up and die?

I miss you! I hope all is well.


Graziella said...

I felt the same way about my little blue 1986 SAAB.