Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Election Day - part 2

It is the day after election day, and we actually know for sure who the president will be. I am so glad it wasn't a repeat of 2000, with all the lawyers waiting like sharks at the polls for the blood of injustice.

Each presidential race, as I grow older, I find the political process even more fascinating. This race, while important in itself for the issues our country faces, has become more like the game of Survivor. Stratigists figure the electorial math this way and that, so they know where they need to campaign. In Tennessee, it's most likely that I will ever personally meet the candidates. Maybe I should move to Iowa.... Then there's all these superstions and trivia that people bring up. Did you know that: 1. During wartime, the incumbent president has never been ousted? (Still true) 2. A president who is the son of a former president has never been reelected to a second term. (Not true anymore) 3. The highest Halloween mask sale has consistantly predicted who would be elected. (Still true: Bush's mask sold more than Kerry's, but it was close as well) Fascinating!

So, as Tom Brokaw said last night, America has decided who to vote off the island. (I wonder what he really means by that?) It's another four years for George W. Bush. I hope he picks a better cabinet this time and that God is with all of them, as well as our Senate and House, as they attempt to lead this country for the better.

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