Saturday, April 26, 2008


I've been tagged at the same time by Sallie & Graziella, and I guess I'll be cool and actually play. The tags are a little different but similar, so I just combined them into one.

My six word memoir: More blessed than I ever deserve.

I am so excited to be finding my life after liver transplant. I have a wonderful husband and the freedom to work or not.

Seven unusual things about me:

1. I'm an undercover geek. Learning morse code and watching Star Trek was the only way to bond with my dad. Henceforth that's the kind of men I've always attracted. I speak their language, and I'm always set with cool technology.

2. I get upset with wastefulness. If it can be composted or recycled, it shouldn't be thrown away.

3. I'm a cat whisperer. Really. I can prove it by showing you that my cats do tricks.

4. I honestly want to move to Oklahoma to live. Although, I do love my mountains here.

5. I have no patience for stupidity, unless you're under 13. For some reason, I have infinite patience for children.

6. I'm an only child, and I love it. But I also am glad to finally have a brother and sister through my husband.

7. I don't know how to ride a bike.

And a goal: To become completely self-sustaining, so I don't need to worry about stupid food shortages and all the other crap this world is coming to.

I really don't have anyone to tag, unless Justin will actually be cool and play.

1 comment:

Graziella said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only one that has zero patients for stupidity! :) Not so patient with the children thing, but it isn't as much kids faults when they are stupid.